‘Deep within each heart there lies a magic spark That lights the fire of our imagination …
And since the dawn of man the strength of just "I can" Has brought together people of all nations…
Feel the flame forever burn; teaching lessons we must learn to bring us closer to the power of the dream !
As the world gives us its best to stand apart from all the rest it is the power of the dream that brings us here!
Every boy and girl as they come into this world
They bring the gift of hope and inspiration…
The world unites in hope and peace we pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here !’
(‘The power of the dream’-Celine Dion)
“ In fiecare inima sta ascunsa o scanteie fermecata
Ce- aprinde flacara imaginatiei noastre…
Si inca din zorii omenirii puterea unui simplu “POT!”
A unit oameni din toate natiile…
Simtiti flacara ce arde vesnic! Invatand pe altii,
Noi insine ne-apropiem de puterea visului;
Pamantul ne daruieste ce-i mai bun pentru a-i lumina pe ceilalti
Si e puterea visului cea care ne-a adus aici!
Fiecare baiat si fata cand vin in aceasta lume
Aduc darul sperantei si al inspiratiei…
Noi ne rugam ca toi oamenii sa fie uniti prin nadejde si pace …
Si e puterea visului cea care ne-a adus aici!